So Tuesday was officially the first day of Fall. Wow, I cannot believe it. This year has flown by at an almost alarming rate. And of course, I've been such a bad blogger. Shame on me! Then again, I haven't really had that much to blog about. It hasn't been as busy a summer in regards to photography like I had hoped and I've thought about throwing in the towel many times but there's something that keeps making me hang on. I keep plugging away. I do agree that I need to learn more about how to properly market myself and I need to come up with some sort of branding. I want to have a more polished, professional look. I've also discovered that several contact forms never got forwarded to me through my email and I'm so bummed about that. That's several lost potential clients. UGH! I am quickly coming to learn that running a business is quite time consuming and involved! No, I'm not so naive that I had no idea going into it, I guess I just didn't realize quite how much. Oh well.