Not always people
While I do spend a lot of my time photographing children (and of course, mostly mine!), there are times when I try to photograph other things, things around me. I strive to branch out my creative skills and abilities all the time, whether that be in the images themselves or in the post processing. Here in Newfoundland, for those that aren't familiar, on or around St. Patrick's Day, we get a snow storm, otherwise known as "Sheila's brush". We've had little to no snow all winter long but that all changed on Saturday when the white stuff fell. And then, on top of that came freezing rain. So the trees and things were covered in a thin layer of ice. Anyway, yesterday evening before sunset, there was actually sun and everything looked so sparkly and pretty. This inspired me to grab my camera and get outside to try and capture it. Now usually, I can picture and see the things in my mind but when it comes to actually capturing what I see or imagine on camera is a different story altogether. It almost never happens, I guess I still need to practice. I did however get a couple of images that I am very proud of and so I just had to share!