I love to take nature shots even though I am usually limited to my front/back yard. One of my reasons is that flowers can't run away from me, unlike 20 month olds :) But I also appreciate the beauty in the creation around us. Most days, even the simplest things, leave me breathless. I find that most days, when I'm feeling down about my photography, I can run outside, take a couple of shots of a dandelion and come back in and feel so happy looking at the shot. I've been on a lilac kick lately. I don't like the smell of lilac on anything other than the tree. Isn't that funny? We have one in front of our house and one in the back and they're just so beautiful when they flower. I discovered a couple weeks ago that I've also got a bleeding heart in the backyard too. It's gone now and I never thought of doing it at the time, but next year, I'm going to pull up the weeds around so it can have some air. We've got rhubarb too and I keep telling Josh that we need to pick it but we never do. If I don't do it soon, I imagine that it's going to rot. Such a shame, I love rhubarb. Anyway, I'm including in this post, lilacs and rhubarb flowers.