Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Just a quick note to let you all know that I won't be using this blog for business related purposes anymore. I have a new site and blog that I will be using from now on. This site will be turned into my personal blog and my old personal blog will be shut down. Please join me over at


Thursday, October 8, 2009


I apologize to anyone that has tried contacting me through my website. I discovered that several contact forms never got forwarded to my email like they are supposed to. Until I get my new site up and running, PLEASE contact me at my email:

Again I apologize for any inconvienience this has caused. I am trying to get everything straightened out ASAP!!


Thursday, September 24, 2009


Click to view large!!


It's that time of year again!

So Tuesday was officially the first day of Fall. Wow, I cannot believe it. This year has flown by at an almost alarming rate. And of course, I've been such a bad blogger. Shame on me! Then again, I haven't really had that much to blog about. It hasn't been as busy a summer in regards to photography like I had hoped and I've thought about throwing in the towel many times but there's something that keeps making me hang on. I keep plugging away. I do agree that I need to learn more about how to properly market myself and I need to come up with some sort of branding. I want to have a more polished, professional look. I've also discovered that several contact forms never got forwarded to me through my email and I'm so bummed about that. That's several lost potential clients. UGH! I am quickly coming to learn that running a business is quite time consuming and involved! No, I'm not so naive that I had no idea going into it, I guess I just didn't realize quite how much. Oh well.


Friday, August 14, 2009

They're Growing Up

My girl is getting so big, I just can't believe it :( I'm still in denial that I have a 1st grader. I recently started babysitting at home and this particular day, she agreed to let me take some pictures of her and of course, since this is a rare thing, I was more than happy to oblige! I also managed to snap a good one of Laura the same day although she isn't smiling. They are my beautiful girls, my world and I love them with all my heart.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Golden Light

There's really nothing better than sun, family, a beach and a picnic. Makes for great memories that I hope everyone will be able to remember for the rest of their lives. I hope it becomes a tradition.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Can You Believe It's August?!

I can't! The summer has flown by and of course, we haven't done half the things that I said we were going to do this year that I said we would do the year before, etc, etc. It's hard to keep up, I need to make a bucket list. And with Josh's schedule in the summer, it's also equally as hard to plan anything around that. My (not so) little girl will be adventuring into Grade One in September. I remember her sweet little face as she entered this world, so perfect and beautiful and now, she's growing so fast that I just cannot wrap my mind around it.

In other news, this has been a slow summer business wise. I admit that I have been a little lax in the advertising department. In my defense, I did put up flyers on all the mailboxes only to discover that they had been torn down the next day. What does Canada Post have against supporting local business?! Anyway, I'm hoping that things will pick up a little in the fall, since it's such an awesome time for outdoor shoots, especially with those gorgeous fall colours. The oranges, the golds, the reds, OH MY! Anyway, to honour this fantastic season, here is a picture that I took last year. As much as I love summer, I do love the fall! Before you know it, the leaves are going to be falling, the trees will be bare, there's a chance there will be snow on the ground, the wind will be enough to cut you in two and I'll be counting down the days until summer vacation!


Monday, July 27, 2009

Teenagers - Oh My!!

I had an incredibly fun shoot last night with 5 best friends. They were a hoot and I've found myself some models. I need as much practice as I can get, other than my own two. These ladies were all gorgeous and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I need to get them all one on one a little more. I was a little later starting then I had hoped and the weather was threatening to pour on us but we did have a fun hour, sans rain. We went to a local town park but the grass was wet, so some of the poses had to be put on hold til the next time. Once again, thanks so much girls, I loved every minute of it and I hope you did too. Here's a little sneak peek for you. The rest will be coming to the website soon!


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Two for One!

Now before everyone gets excited, I'm not offering another special. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I'm really, really interested in doing Birth Photography. I know, some people will probably think it's gross but having two children of my own, I know how special, amazing and awe-inspiring birth can be. So I'm curious, if it was available in your area, would you be interested in having it done? I'm not sure how it would work here or even if it would work, since the hospital here has a 2 per room policy in the LDR and there are no home births or birth centers. I am guessing that if someone was interested in this, then they would have to approach their OB/GYN to inquire and see how he/she feels. Again, no guarantees there since it's highly likely that you won't have your own doctor during the delivery. Oh well, I'm sure that if enough people were interested, I could inquire about it further. Anyway, for the time being, here's a poll for you on this subject:


What's New!

I am running a special just for my Facebook fans. Book your session before July 31st and receive 10% off the sitting fee and 15% off print prices. Call and book NOW, spaces are limited and fill quickly!


I am currently looking for some willing models to help me as I continually build my portfolio. Casting call models are required to sign a model release and will receive a complimentary session. I am looking for three categories:

* a fun, loving couple who are up for an urban, downtown shoot
* newborn who is 1 week of age or younger (this is the age when they are generally the sleepiest and the curliest)
* 1 male and 1 female senior

The first ones to contact me regarding any three of the categories will receive a free session, free 8x10 and 10 free custom designed cards (single sided, for newborn shoot only). Casting call models must be willing to sign a model release form. If you are interested, or if you know someone that would be interested, in participating, please contact me. For the newborn session, please contact me before the baby is born so that I can make arrangements in my schedule for you.


Monday, July 13, 2009


Meet Carlos and Amanda. We go a ways back, a good 15 years now. Amanda and I met in Grade 9, she sat behind me in homeroom, I constantly turned around and talked to her and she was the one that got in trouble. I should add here that she never actually said a word or very rarely! Despite that, her and I became best friends throughout our high school year.

After high school, we kept in touch periodically and she helped me with the music for my wedding. I moved to Kingston, ON in 2002 after I got married and unfortunately, we lost touch. Her and Carlos started dating in 1997 and have been together ever since. They got married in 2007 and are eagerly anticipating the arrival of little Austin.

I had a ton of fun with these two, I didn't want to go home! Can't wait to meet your little man, he's going to be so gorgeous!


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

He Asked, She Said Yes! Randy and Gail

So last weekend, I had the opportunity to shoot a wedding, my second one ever, for friends of ours. As always, I'm nervous going into any shoot, whether I know the people or not, and this time was no exception. Anyway, things turned out so much better than I was hoping or had even imagined. And the bride is quite pleased which of course, is the most important thing of all. Here's a couple detail shots. Thanks Randy and Gail for letting me capture the moments of your special day!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nature - My Best Friend

I love to take nature shots even though I am usually limited to my front/back yard. One of my reasons is that flowers can't run away from me, unlike 20 month olds :) But I also appreciate the beauty in the creation around us. Most days, even the simplest things, leave me breathless. I find that most days, when I'm feeling down about my photography, I can run outside, take a couple of shots of a dandelion and come back in and feel so happy looking at the shot. I've been on a lilac kick lately. I don't like the smell of lilac on anything other than the tree. Isn't that funny? We have one in front of our house and one in the back and they're just so beautiful when they flower. I discovered a couple weeks ago that I've also got a bleeding heart in the backyard too. It's gone now and I never thought of doing it at the time, but next year, I'm going to pull up the weeds around so it can have some air. We've got rhubarb too and I keep telling Josh that we need to pick it but we never do. If I don't do it soon, I imagine that it's going to rot. Such a shame, I love rhubarb. Anyway, I'm including in this post, lilacs and rhubarb flowers.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Beauty

So last week, Miss E came home from school and asked me if I wanted to take some pictures. Can I say that my heart skipped a beat?! It gets really frustrating for me because I want to be practicing everyday, but I've only got my two girls and well, the littlest runs away as soon as I bring the camera out. Most of my shots are of her from behind! Anyway needless to say, I was beyond thrilled when she asked me that, so I ran in the house right away to get the camera before she had time to change her mind. 5 1/2 year olds are fickle. I fired off maybe my first shot and then she tells me "Only one more". I take what I can get. I did manage to con her into several more and she LOVES to pose which is good in a way, but sometimes she contorts herself in the most awkward ways and looks sooo funny. Here are a couple of my favorites.


Monday, May 4, 2009

The Higgs Family

These were taken last year while my bf Karen and her hubby and son were visting home from Ontario. I'm so horrible at getting things printed and such. I still owe her a disk. Good thing she's my friend! She told me that they got some off Facebook and I just cringe, I can only imagine the quality. I am going to get a couple of bigger sizes printed off for them though. They're going to be here this summer and I'm determined to have everything ready for her! Anyway, these are some of my favorite shots that I took that day. I've learned so much since August of last year, it's unreal! I look forward to continuing to grow in my knowledge and experience.


Sunday, April 19, 2009


My (almost) 12 year old cousin came down to play with my girls while the kids were on Easter break. Even though they live just up the road from us, I rarely get to see or spend time with her. It makes me sad because her mom and I used to be super close, like sisters, but since I moved away and then came back, things have totally changed. That's the one thing that makes me sometimes wish that we hadn't moved back. The expression "You can never really go home", is oh so true. Anyway, here's a couple of my most favorite shots of Miss A.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter Break

Well the kids will be out for a week starting on Friday. I am looking forward to it for several reasons. 1) I love having Emily home and 2) I'm finally hoping to be able to get outside and get some shots of Emily R and her friends. She's not a senior but I think I will be able to get the kind of shots that I am hoping to get, some lovely urban downtown shots. I've got my fingers crossed that the weather will cooperate. Still no lens, I checked on it this morning and it's in Atlanta, GA so it looks like it is on the way back to the seller. Ugh, so frustrating. I really NEED that lens for the wedding. Oh well, if I don't get that one, I'll have to get my hands on another one although I probably won't get it for the awesome price that this one was. Anyway, I haven't taken an SP in awhile that I've truly liked, but here's one that has a touch of flare.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


While I don't mind taking posed shots every now and again, especially during the cold winter months, but I much prefer shots that are not staged, that are natural and just show personality. I'm looking forward to the warm months so that I can get outside and start capturing these types of shots so I can really let my style come through.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Not always people

While I do spend a lot of my time photographing children (and of course, mostly mine!), there are times when I try to photograph other things, things around me. I strive to branch out my creative skills and abilities all the time, whether that be in the images themselves or in the post processing. Here in Newfoundland, for those that aren't familiar, on or around St. Patrick's Day, we get a snow storm, otherwise known as "Sheila's brush". We've had little to no snow all winter long but that all changed on Saturday when the white stuff fell. And then, on top of that came freezing rain. So the trees and things were covered in a thin layer of ice. Anyway, yesterday evening before sunset, there was actually sun and everything looked so sparkly and pretty. This inspired me to grab my camera and get outside to try and capture it. Now usually, I can picture and see the things in my mind but when it comes to actually capturing what I see or imagine on camera is a different story altogether. It almost never happens, I guess I still need to practice. I did however get a couple of images that I am very proud of and so I just had to share!


Monday, March 9, 2009

New Toy!!

Well I am super excited. Hubby surprised me with a laptop on Saturday. And not just hubby but my mother in law was also involved in the purchase. WOW!! I have so much space on this thing, it's insane. I just have to be careful not to cram it up with too much junk. The only drawback is that I'm going to have to still edit my photos on the desktop because they look so bad on the laptop's screen and that's a bit of a disappointment. I haven't told hubby though. Well I'll give the editing a go on this thing and see what happens but in looking at my images, there's a big difference. I mentioned it to him but he couldn't see it. Anyway, I'm still in a state of shock!! And of course, because a post is not a post without an image, I'm including one.


Monday, February 16, 2009


Yikes, it's been almost a month since I posted. Well that tells you that no one is really interested in my blog *headdesk* Oh well, I like posting so I shall keep up with it. I've postponed my "senior" shoot until the spring. It's just too darn cold. In the meantime, here's a couple of fun shots.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A New Hat!

I have discovered that I have a love for hats.....and not just a love, but an obsession! A few months back, I won a contest that the lovely Carol of Freckle Face Photography hosted. The prize was a gift certifcate from Paper Raisins and the awesomely lovely Lee-ann. Anyway, her and I exchanged emails since I had no idea what I wanted. After some much appreciated guidance from her, I was eventually able to narrow it down. Anyway, needless to say, I was more than thrilled when I got my hat and scarf set in the mail. She was spot on! Thanks again so so much Lee-Ann!! You will be making new hats for me in the future!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm on a posting roll!

Ok, so I'm trying to make up for my lack of posting. I'm trying to branch out in my creative abilities. It's a slow process, I have all kinds of ideas, but nothing seems to pan out when I take the picture. I don't consider myself to be talented at all. I used to be able to knit but didn't keep at it and now I've forgotten. I'd love to learn again but I have no one to teach me. My grandmother started out teaching me when I was pretty young and now, I just wish that I had stayed with it. I see all kinds of gorgeous handmade hats and scarves and I just know that I can't afford to buy them (at least not until I start getting paid for what I do). I also wish I could sew. I have a great desire to learn these things now, why didn't I have the desire when I was younger? Ergh, I was too interested in the television. Although that didn't really come along until much later. I did spend most of my childhood playing outside or riding my bike. Anyway, I digress.....a lot. Along the lines of trying to be more creative, I have been taking pictures of things other than people or flowers. Hence my latest picture. It's a very powerful shot and I love the way it turned out post process wise.


Not much of a winter

Most Newfoundland winters are long, cold and full of snow. Not this year. The west has actually had more snow that here! How insane is that?! I've been dying to get outside and take some fun winter shots but with not much snow and me being the chicken that I am to take my camera outside, it needless to say, hasn't happened. I did however manage to bribe Emily to let me take some shots of her out on our back patio. And goodness me, it happened two days in a row! The bribe this time was money rather than candy. And even then, she still doesn't stay still so just when I get the focus perfectly spot on, she moves. I am then left with her hair being so nice and sharp and her eyes a little soft. Oh well, I'm trying so hard to shoot now everyday to start getting practice in. I need more, I need as much as my (not so) little self can handle.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cutie pie

Old images but she's such a little cutie, I just had to share!


Lacking in motivation

I desperately need some new images. I need to start shooting again. I haven't picked up my camera in a long time. I'm not sure why. I'm in the process of designing some new postcards to advertise my business. I still haven't put up my flyers yet. I was going to yesterday when I had the van and forgot. I really want to get some of the girls outside but I'm so chicken to take my camera out in the cold. I know I could get some nice shots of Emily but I'm not sure how Laura would be. I've got a couple of really cute hats that I want to shoot her in but she's just not into it. Haha, she runs away from me now which is funny in a way but also very frustrating at the same time.




All images are © Life's Little Treasures Photography/Natasha Ayers. It is unlawful to copy, print or redistribute these photos in any way, without written permission from Natasha.

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