Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm on a posting roll!

Ok, so I'm trying to make up for my lack of posting. I'm trying to branch out in my creative abilities. It's a slow process, I have all kinds of ideas, but nothing seems to pan out when I take the picture. I don't consider myself to be talented at all. I used to be able to knit but didn't keep at it and now I've forgotten. I'd love to learn again but I have no one to teach me. My grandmother started out teaching me when I was pretty young and now, I just wish that I had stayed with it. I see all kinds of gorgeous handmade hats and scarves and I just know that I can't afford to buy them (at least not until I start getting paid for what I do). I also wish I could sew. I have a great desire to learn these things now, why didn't I have the desire when I was younger? Ergh, I was too interested in the television. Although that didn't really come along until much later. I did spend most of my childhood playing outside or riding my bike. Anyway, I digress.....a lot. Along the lines of trying to be more creative, I have been taking pictures of things other than people or flowers. Hence my latest picture. It's a very powerful shot and I love the way it turned out post process wise.




All images are © Life's Little Treasures Photography/Natasha Ayers. It is unlawful to copy, print or redistribute these photos in any way, without written permission from Natasha.

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