Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A New Hat!

I have discovered that I have a love for hats.....and not just a love, but an obsession! A few months back, I won a contest that the lovely Carol of Freckle Face Photography hosted. The prize was a gift certifcate from Paper Raisins and the awesomely lovely Lee-ann. Anyway, her and I exchanged emails since I had no idea what I wanted. After some much appreciated guidance from her, I was eventually able to narrow it down. Anyway, needless to say, I was more than thrilled when I got my hat and scarf set in the mail. She was spot on! Thanks again so so much Lee-Ann!! You will be making new hats for me in the future!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm on a posting roll!

Ok, so I'm trying to make up for my lack of posting. I'm trying to branch out in my creative abilities. It's a slow process, I have all kinds of ideas, but nothing seems to pan out when I take the picture. I don't consider myself to be talented at all. I used to be able to knit but didn't keep at it and now I've forgotten. I'd love to learn again but I have no one to teach me. My grandmother started out teaching me when I was pretty young and now, I just wish that I had stayed with it. I see all kinds of gorgeous handmade hats and scarves and I just know that I can't afford to buy them (at least not until I start getting paid for what I do). I also wish I could sew. I have a great desire to learn these things now, why didn't I have the desire when I was younger? Ergh, I was too interested in the television. Although that didn't really come along until much later. I did spend most of my childhood playing outside or riding my bike. Anyway, I digress.....a lot. Along the lines of trying to be more creative, I have been taking pictures of things other than people or flowers. Hence my latest picture. It's a very powerful shot and I love the way it turned out post process wise.


Not much of a winter

Most Newfoundland winters are long, cold and full of snow. Not this year. The west has actually had more snow that here! How insane is that?! I've been dying to get outside and take some fun winter shots but with not much snow and me being the chicken that I am to take my camera outside, it needless to say, hasn't happened. I did however manage to bribe Emily to let me take some shots of her out on our back patio. And goodness me, it happened two days in a row! The bribe this time was money rather than candy. And even then, she still doesn't stay still so just when I get the focus perfectly spot on, she moves. I am then left with her hair being so nice and sharp and her eyes a little soft. Oh well, I'm trying so hard to shoot now everyday to start getting practice in. I need more, I need as much as my (not so) little self can handle.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cutie pie

Old images but she's such a little cutie, I just had to share!


Lacking in motivation

I desperately need some new images. I need to start shooting again. I haven't picked up my camera in a long time. I'm not sure why. I'm in the process of designing some new postcards to advertise my business. I still haven't put up my flyers yet. I was going to yesterday when I had the van and forgot. I really want to get some of the girls outside but I'm so chicken to take my camera out in the cold. I know I could get some nice shots of Emily but I'm not sure how Laura would be. I've got a couple of really cute hats that I want to shoot her in but she's just not into it. Haha, she runs away from me now which is funny in a way but also very frustrating at the same time.




All images are © Life's Little Treasures Photography/Natasha Ayers. It is unlawful to copy, print or redistribute these photos in any way, without written permission from Natasha.

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