I can't! The summer has flown by and of course, we haven't done half the things that I said we were going to do this year that I said we would do the year before, etc, etc. It's hard to keep up, I need to make a bucket list. And with Josh's schedule in the summer, it's also equally as hard to plan anything around that. My (not so) little girl will be adventuring into Grade One in September. I remember her sweet little face as she entered this world, so perfect and beautiful and now, she's growing so fast that I just cannot wrap my mind around it.
In other news, this has been a slow summer business wise. I admit that I have been a little lax in the advertising department. In my defense, I did put up flyers on all the mailboxes only to discover that they had been torn down the next day. What does Canada Post have against supporting local business?! Anyway, I'm hoping that things will pick up a little in the fall, since it's such an awesome time for outdoor shoots, especially with those gorgeous fall colours. The oranges, the golds, the reds, OH MY! Anyway, to honour this fantastic season, here is a picture that I took last year. As much as I love summer, I do love the fall! Before you know it, the leaves are going to be falling, the trees will be bare, there's a chance there will be snow on the ground, the wind will be enough to cut you in two and I'll be counting down the days until summer vacation!