Monday, May 4, 2009

The Higgs Family

These were taken last year while my bf Karen and her hubby and son were visting home from Ontario. I'm so horrible at getting things printed and such. I still owe her a disk. Good thing she's my friend! She told me that they got some off Facebook and I just cringe, I can only imagine the quality. I am going to get a couple of bigger sizes printed off for them though. They're going to be here this summer and I'm determined to have everything ready for her! Anyway, these are some of my favorite shots that I took that day. I've learned so much since August of last year, it's unreal! I look forward to continuing to grow in my knowledge and experience.


Moments Photography May 8, 2009 at 7:46 AM  

Your blog looks awesome Tasha! Great work! Just thought i would drop you a line!!



All images are © Life's Little Treasures Photography/Natasha Ayers. It is unlawful to copy, print or redistribute these photos in any way, without written permission from Natasha.

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